Hans Kristensen: Ten archaeological facts to increase confidence in the Old Testament

Hans Kristensen: Ten archaeological facts to increase confidence in the Old Testament

There are claims - and you hear them every so often - that archeology has disproved this story or that in the bible, and claims from this or that scholar of particularly late dating of different bible books.

How do we as evangelical pastors react/respond/answer those claims?

Hans Kristensen is senior pastor of Marsfield Community Church in Sydney and is studying ancient archaeology.

He suggests that there are 10 major archaelogical finds that help us to increase our confidence in the Old Testament:

  1. There’s evidence of a big population jump in Caanan at exactly the time that the bible said that Yahweh was giving Israel the land, called the ‘Hill Country Explosion.’

  2. The Egyptian Pharaoh Merneptah boasts of raiding the land of Caanan, saying it was occupied by Israel.

  3. In the city of Hazor, archaeologists have found religious idols destroyed and other items intact, just as expected from Joshua 11-12

  4. The recently discovered altar at Mount Ebal is likely Joshua’s altar (Joshua 8)

  5. In the Tel Dan inscription we now have archeological evidence for King David’s existence.

  6. There’s consistent architectural town planning in the cities built around the time of David and Solomon - pointing towards planning and control under one ruler (eg a King).

  7. There are similarities between what we know of the temple of Solomon and a similar temple built at Ain Dara, about 30 kilometres from Beirut, showing Solomon’s temple fits into the religious and architectural landscape of the time.

  8. The discovery of six massive chambered gates at Hazor, Meggido and Gezer and other architectural discoveries at those sites corresponds with 1Kings 9:15.

  9. A ninth century battle account from King Moab of Mersha mirrors the one in 2 Kings 3.

  10. The Biblical chronology of the listed kings matches almost exactly with archeological evidence.

More at Hans Kristensen’s blog

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