All tagged East Africa - Gafcon
In almost every personal conversation I’ve had since returning from Africa I’ve been asked about my personal reflections on the almost four weeks that Catherine and I spent there.
How was Gafcon? What was significant? What stood out? How has Africa impacted you?
This episode features conversations with Archbishop Tito Zavala (Chile), Archbishop James Wong (Indian Ocean), Rico Tice (Christianity Explored), Richard Coekin (London), Vaughan Roberts (Oxford), Michael Charles (Anglican Aid, Melina Galiboma (Link Officer, Mara Diocese), Bishop Mwita Akiri (Teremi, Tanzania)
An extraordinary story of God working by his spirit in the life of African Primate Laurent Mbunda
Larent Mbunda is now the Anglican Primate of Rwanda and the Deputy Chair of the Gafcon Movement.
Take a moment to be encouraged by the extraordinary story of God’s grace in his life, and the amazing ways that God has used him.
The church of England departs the Christian faith - with Archbishop Justin Badi
12 Primates of the Global South Provinces have issued a statement saying ‘The Church of England has departed from the historic faith, passed down from the Apostles.’
The Primates - who are all national leaders within the denomination - say that the Church of England has disqualified herself from leading the Anglican Communion.